Shoreline Waterfront
386 East Shoreline Drive
Long Beach, CA 90802
Please reference Rideshare apps for recommended pick-up and drop-off locations in the surrounding area. Please follow the necessary directional signage upon arrival to the festival area and avoid stopping or hailing vehicles outside the designated pick up/drop off area for safety.
ADA Pick-Up / Drop-Off
If you are using a friend to pick you up/drop you off or Uber/Lyft/Taxi–please have them drop you off in ADA parking, then leave. When they pull in, let security know you are dropping someone off with ADA. We ask that drop-off vehicle does not park. If ADA parking is full, we suggest having your friend drop you off in ADA parking and then they go and park in GA. Please meet at the ADA entrance before coming into the festival.
*ADA Parking Information to come.