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The Barbarians of California

The Barbarians of California

The West Coast’s contribution to hardcore punk is undeniable. That tradition of aggression, passion, and scrappy melodicism continues with The Barbarians Of California, an engaging new manifestation of iconoclastic spirit and true bombast.  

Born from the shared passion of Aaron Bruno and Eric Stenman, the spirit of the underground and the personal catharsis delivered through metallic hardcore never left either of them. So, when Aaron learned that Eric crafted a batch of throwback bangers combining impassioned angst with modern sensibilities, he wanted in immediately. The Barbarians were born.  

In 2024, the band released their debut album, And Now I’m Just Gnashing My Teeth, via ONErpm and celebrated with a high-energy show at the iconic Troubadour in Los Angeles, cementing their place in the hardcore scene’s next chapter.

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