Sophie Powers

Toronto-born and raised, Sophie Powers just wants to make you feel. Call her music whatever you want–hyper-punk or alt-pop or glitch-rock or any other manner of contrived portmanteau–but don’t forget that crucial fact: The 20-year-old star is on a mission to reinject genuine emotion into a pop landscape that’s more alienated than ever. “I don’t care if it’s extremely sad or extremely angry – I just want to make music that makes people feel validated and powerful,” she says. That mission statement courses through her most recent EP Glitch: Lvl 1. Her heroes–influential cult artists like Kellin Quinn, of Sleeping with Sirens fame–are becoming her peers; old school friends are coming to her shows unprompted, and there are billboards with her face on them in her hometown of Toronto. It would feel miraculous, were it not for Sophie’s doggedness, talent, and sense of hard work. “Growing up, when I didn’t have friends to support me, I would lean into music,” she says. “That’s the reason I make music now–to help other people get through what I went through.”